Infektiopod 91: Stenotrophomonas maltophilia with Pranita Tamma (english)

This special episode of Infektiopod is in English and features Dr. Pranita Tamma, Professor at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. She is the first author of the IDSA Guidance on the Treatment of Antimicrobial Resistant Gram-Negative Infections, which we covered at-length in Episode 86 and Episode 87.

Dr. Tamma is an expert on Stenotrophomonas maltophilia infections and in this episode, we will do a deep-dive in the management of this organism, which is often difficult to treat and can also be challenging to diagnose adequately.

Specifically, we focus on the strategies in management that we use in our daily practice and how these occasionally differ from the recommendations of the IDSA-guidance.

Infektiopod 75: Antibiotikaresistenz – die stille Pandemie

In der 75. Folge des Infektiopods haben wir eine expat-Expertin aus der Mikrobiologie als Gast: Mit Anna Both, Mikrobiologin aus dem UKE, die aktuell am Institut Pasteur in Paris forscht, besprechen wir alles Wichtige zu multiresistenten Keimen. Es geht um

  • MRSA (Methicillinresistenter Staph. aureus)
  • VRE (Vancomycinresistente Enterokokken) und
  • MRGN (multiresistente gramnegative Erreger)


Fundstücke der Woche: